Synopsis: Embark on a Lantern Festival adventure with Olive, Kale, and their mother as they create "Rainbow Tangyuan." This enchanting tale guides young readers through crafting these colourful delights using natural ingredients such as blueberries, carrots, and eggs. Alongside the joy of making Tangyuan, children uncover intriguing facts about colours and natural dyes, all set against the backdrop of this cherished tradition.
What Makes It Special:
- Page-Flipping Adventure: This isn't just any storybook. Children can flip pages according to their choices, crafting their own storytelling journey and learning the consequences of their decisions.
- Companion Voice-Interactive Digital Story: Pair the book with our BrookieKids app to unlock a voice-interactive version of the story. This digital enhancement brings the narrative to life, engaging children in a dynamic learning experience where their voice guides the adventure.
Use This Book For:
- Learning Chinese: Presented exclusively in Chinese, accompanied by Hanyu Pinyin, this book is ideal for native speakers and learners alike, supporting language skills and pronunciation.
- Interactive Storytelling Adventures: The narrative allows parents to guide children to make choices, leading to diverse story paths and making each reading experience uniquely engaging.
- Cultural Insight: Delve into the rich essence of Chinese culture and the Lantern Festival, fostering a deeper appreciation and understanding of these traditions in young minds.
Crafted for preschoolers aged 2-6, this book captivates with its vibrant illustrations and engaging storyline.
An excellent resource for parents and educators seeking to immerse children in Mandarin language learning, interactive engagement, and cultural education.
A Rain-bowl of Happiness 《彩虹汤圆》
SKU: 0009
- 32 Pages, including cover
- A4 Size: 210mm (w) x 297mm (h)
- In Simplified Chinese
- Hanyu Pinyin included
- Soft Paperback